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Smart Wealthy Stylist Episode 1: Get to know me

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

Welcome to the Smart Wealthy Stylist Podcast. Over here, we are dedicated to helping hair stylists manage their finances, stay organized, healthy, and manage their time and mental wellbeing. We focus on staying healthy in all areas of life and maximizing productivity. If you're a hair stylist looking, Things.

This is the podcast for you. Together we'll avoid burnout and step into being the smartest, wealthiest stylist that we can be. Good morning. My name is Emily Carden. Um, I am so excited to be doing this. I literally can't believe that I am doing this. So, um, this podcast is something that God totally laid on my heart.

I had no idea that I would ever do anything like this. Um, but I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know what I'm doing, what I'm up to, um, what the purpose of this podcast is. Um, I just wanna get to know you. Like, I want this to feel like you're just sitting down having coffee with your bestie, you know, but who's gonna shoot you straight?

Like, I wish someone would've done with me. So, Some of the topics could get spicy, could be on the controversial side. I'm not trying to like ruffle feathers, but there's so many things that in the hair industry, I've been doing this for 13 years and there is so many things that I wish someone would have told me.

Um, so I wanna be that for you. Um, let's see. I have done hair for 13 years and. I knew like the freshman year of high school that I wanted to get the heck out of there. College was never an option for me. I wanted to just, you know, do my own thing. And so that's what I did. I went in the first day of my freshman year of high school and asked my counselor how I could graduate early, and, um, I did it.

I, but, Learning was really hard for me. School was really hard for me. It was one of those things that I was never good at. Um, I flunk to pre-algebra twice, twice, had to do summer school. I had to take, um, you know, after school education. And it was just, Really hard for me. Um, but I graduated early. I went straight to cosmetology school.

Like I think I graduated in January, started cosmetology school in March and then, um, I finished cosmetology school in a year and a month. And then I went right to, um, working at this like barber shop that was pretty dang shady. Um, As I go along in this podcast, there's gonna be episodes dedicated to a lot of the things that I'm talking about.

Now, I just wanna give you like a brief overview of what I'm about and what we're gonna talk about. Um, but you know, right outta high school, so, or right outta cosmetology school, that whole working in the barbershop thing, they taught me a lot that it was such an unhealthy work environment and I did not make good money and.

That was the very first thing that set me off in my career. You know, thinking like, well, I'm probably never gonna make money, you know, but I love what I'm doing and I just had such like, you know, this, this podcast is called Smart Wealthy Stylist. Well, it was like a stupid broke stylist mindset. Like I never, like, I liked hair shows and stuff because it was fun to go to, but I never thought about education and I never thought about how you could make so much money being a hair stylist or.

You know, necessarily like bettering yourself. I never thought of those things. So, um, moving on after I went to the barbershop, then I went and worked at the mall, and then I built up enough clientele that I could go out on my own. And then I worked in a booth rental salon for like eight years. And then after that, um, my husband and I, my husband's name's Adam, I love him so much.

Um, we have, uh, three kids. I have a 16 year old stepdaughter and then an eight year old and a two year old. They're both boys, so we love our kiddos and we're very proud of them. And anyway, um, so my husband bill an in-home salon for me, and it was, Such an awesome thing for my business and for me personally.

I'm so grateful that that ended up happening. Um, so fast forward, I ended up in lots of debt, like not from the salon, just poor life choices and poor spending habits. Um, and then I just had a huge come to Jesus moment. Like God literally changed my life because I felt like I was completely released from, you know, those like impulsive behaviors and impulsive spending.

But I didn't want to be that way anymore because I was not furthering my life. Like we weren't reaching our goals because I couldn't control my shopping habits. Um, and after that occurred, I started like self-educating. I had never been a reader. I had never listened to podcasts. I had never listened to audiobooks.

I had never done anything to better myself. And so I went down the rabbit hole of self-education. And all of this happened in like September, 2022. This is, um, February, 2023, so, you know, a few months ago. And. I ended up reading the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I'm actually recording this right now at 4 45 in the morning.

I get up at four o'clock in the morning every day and I have a solid hour of productivity in the morning, and then I work out and get ready for the day. And it has literally changed my life. Um, I have read so many. I listen to podcasts while I'm working out. I listen to audiobooks while I'm working out, and I just feel like my mind is so expanding, so not expanding, expansive, that's the word I'm looking for, because I've never experienced that before.

And being a hair stylist in the beauty industry, I feel like so many of my hairstylist friends are in massive credit card debt. They have that stupid broke stylist mindset. Like they just, it is what it is and you know, they're probably gonna burn out and end up having, you know, carpal tunnel, like whatever.

So what I'm trying to do is just show people there's another way. I'm not saying that you have to quit doing hair. Like, I'm so passionate about doing hair. I don't want to quit doing hair. But I would really love to build up enough passive income that maybe my husband could do a job change or, you know, we could do a ton of investing.

And I just really think that we can better our lives. Um, another big reason I started doing this podcast is because after I read the book, the Big Leap. In that book, he talks about a mantra to live your life by. And the mantra in the book is, uh, I expand an abundance, success and love and inspire those around me to do the same.

I am a Christian, I don't really care where you stand. Um, but I couldn't live without Jesus on my side. And um, it's important to me to honor him in everything that I do. And so I add in Jesus name on hand it that, because that's what's important to. Um, but after I started repeating that every day, I really did start feeling the need to want to inspire others as well.

So after I started looking into ways to inspire other people, I ended up writing a book. I created a budgeting tool specifically for hairstylists. Um, I learned about drop shipping through print on demand because of the book, because I had to get the book out there somehow. We're in such like a hardcore debt payoff mode right now that I don't have the money to have inventory sell outta my salon, all that stuff.

So I expose myself to other options and I found Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. So I'm self-publishing a book, like I'm gonna be a self-published author. I already have my. Salon budgeting tool. It's called Your Guide to Becoming a Smart, wealthy Stylist, the Ultimate Planner and Expense Tracker for self-employed stylists.

So, um, it basically helps you set goals. You can track your color in there. There's expense categories that are broken down that you fill in yourself. Um, I just use the expense categories from my accountant that she gave me when like we're doing taxe. I follow the same, um, expense categories that she says, um, that I learned about podcasting and creating this podcast.

And so my whole point during this podcast is to truly inspire you, to help you to want to be better. Um, and after all of this self education, you know, I started working out too, and I have consistently. Not missed a workout. This will be almost eight weeks and I haven't missed a workout yet. And I'm one of those people that I'll let go hardcore for two weeks and then vomit.

So this is the first time in my life I've stayed consistent with anything. I've stayed consistent with my budgeting. I've stayed consistent in my walk with God. I stayed consistent in um, my fitness. It's just absolutely insane when you put perimeters on your life or a guide or you're constantly filling up your cup to inspire yourself.

Um, but it, the topics that I'm gonna cover will just be anything and everything, but I really wanna talk to hair stylists. You don't have to be a hair stylist to listen to this podcast because I really feel like if you're self-employed, If you're living and breathing, you can probably benefit from the topics I'm gonna talk about, but I wanna talk about budgeting, organizing finances.

I'll bring on guest speakers. A lot of the guest speakers will be hairstylists just because they're in the industry and they get it. Um, we're gonna talk about mental health, physical health investments, passive income. You know, getting outta debt, managing your time with your family, juggling everything that life has to give, you know, chronic illnesses and just anything that you could be dealing with as a hairstylist.

I wanna talk about, and I wanna encourage you, and I want you to know that you're not alone. Like there are so many people who are going through the same things that you're going through, so, I, when we sit down and do this podcast together, well, hopefully you're not sitting down, maybe you're working out or cleaning your house, you know, whatever.

Trying to be productive, you know, I just want you to be able to plug in and find some sort of inspiration and some sort of encouragement. Um, it's so important to me to inspire others and to truly. And encourage and just let you know you're not alone because you're not. So the very first topic that we're gonna cover, After this intro is going to be organizing your finances.

This is such a hairy one. Um, it can really get tricky and I know so many hairstylists, including myself, you know, I just had one account I'd spend out of it. Personal expenses, business expenses. It just got really messy. So, um, we're gonna talk about how to untangle your finances and get organized in that.

And implement systems because since I implemented systems in my business, I have been able to take a paycheck, and so now I can budget in my business and in my personal life. So that's a first for me, and it has literally changed my life for the better. I have paid off thousands of dollars of debt since September.

Like a lot. So I just wanna shout it from the rooftops that hair stylists can make bank and hair stylists. If even if you don't make bank, say you're just wanting to work part-time, very minimal, just enough to whatever, you know, if you manage what you've been given, well you can make a huge impact with just a little so.

That's a little bit about me. Um, in my book that I'm writing, I go very in depth on a lot of these topics that I'm talking about. My past, my history, my come to Jesus moment, all the thousands of dollars of debt that I got into. But I will also talk about those of my podcast. Um, so anyway, I'm so excited to get started on this journey with you.

And I am, uh, you know, like right now I'm set up in my, my daughter's room and, and it, the guest bedroom, her room, whatever you wanna call it. And I am just working off the, the laptop and using its audio system. So I have a mic coming, I have, I'm trying to get some better equipment and. Hopefully have a more upgraded experience for you guys as I move along.

So anyway, I hope you guys have a great day and I cannot wait for the next. Thank you for listening in today. If you have a burning question or a topic you want me to cover, leave the question with your review below. This is the best way to get your questions answered. Just remember, you are a smart, wealthy stylist and you are capable of anything you set your mind to.

I'll see you on the next one.

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