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Smart Wealthy Stylist Episode 9: Community Over Competition With Jasmine Lizotte.

Welcome to the Smart Wealthy Stylist Podcast. I'm your host, Emily Carden. Over here we are dedicated to helping hair stylists manage their finances, stay organized, healthy, and manage their time and mental wellbeing. We focus on staying healthy. In all areas of life and maximizing productivity. If you're a hair stylist looking for these things, this is the podcast for you.

Together we'll avoid burnout and step into being the smartest, wealthiest stylist that we can be. Welcome back to the Smart Wealthy Stylist Podcast. I have my guest here, Jasmine Zat. Um, I'm so glad you're here today. We're going over community, over competition. Woohoo. Um, so tell me about yourself. What's going on in your world?

Yeah, I mean, I, you know, I just. I'm living the dream, honestly. Awesome. Um, I have been in the industry since 2018. I started school in 2017. Um, but every day I get to do what I love and I Amen. That, think that's the best thing that I could ever do. Absolutely. Yeah. So, where do you work at? How long have you done hair?

Which is Yes. Um, I work at Indie Salon in Joplin. Okay. Um, the best gals ever, honestly are, they love them. They are like family more than friends. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So it's just fun. That's a good life. That's awesome. Um, I've been doing here for like four and a half years. Four and a half. Um, if you count like graduation and stuff.

Yeah. Um, but yeah, it's super fun. That is so cool. Yes. Um, so, you know, I was listening to a podcast. It was probably, I don't know, sick gosh, it's been a while actually. And she was talking about how. You know, there's a lot of stylists that will make reels of like making fun of clients or making fun of her.

I hate that. I'm gonna be honest with you. I do too. And I feel like it degrades the industry. I agree. And I feel like, um, they can be funny. I'm not gonna say have Absolutely there has them. I'm like, I've laughed at for sure. But I just think, you know, clients who are watching those videos are probably gonna.

Oh, I don't want them to make fun of me. I'm not gonna go to them because Absolutely. It's like if we see something that we thought was so good and then they act that they just went to another stylist and had it quote unquote fixed. Yes, because they didn't like it. That's how I would feel as a client.

Like, oh my gosh, am I that person? Am I that, Karen, is she, is she, did she make this about me? Yes. Did I say that? Did I do that? Yes. How do I hold my hair up when they button the cape? Like how do I, you know, And now I'm so hyper-focused on it. Like, am I'm too, I'm just gonna sit here and not do anything. I am too.

I'm like, how do I do I do that to them? Yes. Because I'm thinking, oh my gosh, how am I making my clients feel? You know? No kidding. Um, I, I just, I don't know. Well, anyway, so whenever I released my, um, budget planner, my whole smart Wilty stylist brand. Yeah. Um, you were one of the first ones to message me. Oh, really?

Yeah. And say, you know, Hey about your planner. I love it. And thank you. I'm so glad. Yeah. Um, I just thought, you know, if more sty. Could be kind like that. Yeah. Like reach out. Because I have also had, um, one of my clients, um, her sister, her stylist actually said something to her that was like, who does she think she is?

No. Yes. No way. Yes. And that was literally like a week after that you had reached out and said, I'm, so I'm happy for you, you all this stuff. I'm exhausted right now. So, but here's the deal. If that stylist had reached out to me and said, so like, what is this? What is this about? Absolutely. I would say, oh my gosh, you know, let me tell you about it.

Like, do you need help? Budgeting? Is there anything in your business that's not working for you that I could help you with? Like I am, my heart is absolutely to help other people see. I I love that. I'm honestly, like, honestly, I just bought your planner not even really knowing what it was. I was like, I'm gonna support her, whatever.

It's, it's like 25 bucks. Sure, I'll go buy it. I just love that and I really think that, you know, as a, as an industry and as a community, if hairstylists truly put their, whether, whether that was set outta jealousy, whether that was set out of not understanding whatever the motive was behind that. I understand hurt people.

Hurt people. Absolutely. If I've learned anything in this career or just in my life in. Hurt people. Hurt people. And if we can't, I hate like saying this, but if we can't grow up and figure it out, then we need to change something. Absolutely. Um, so I just felt like maybe by bringing this topic up and addressing it, and also as the person who was not, I'm not saying I, I wasn't attacked or anything like that, but I did not take.

I thought that's awesome. You know, I thought, oh, well I'm, I, you know, when she said, who does she think she is? I'm thinking I wanted to reach out and say, well, I am Emily and I am the owner of Smart Wealthy Stylist, and I have traveled a really hard journey, and I would love to share it with you if I can for sure.

Because I know, I mean, I know for me, like I've only learned from my mistakes, like if someone makes absolutely help dig me out, I'm not gonna learn from that. Like, I need to dig myself out of those things so that, I can grow. Absolutely. And so if we want to share people how we, how we have grown, that's the only way that we can do it.

They call it growing pains for a reason. Amen girl. Amen. So have you ever experienced a negative competition instance or anything that has kind of helped you become this kind supportive person that you are? You know, honestly, yes. It took me a long time whenever you asked me this question just to like think on it.

I was like, honestly, not a super huge thing. But I have this one instance where I, at my old salon that I had worked at, I was just chatting about going independent because I was at the commission salon and I loved it. I'm so grateful for everything that I learned there, but it was just time for me to move on.

Yeah. But I was talking to this one girl, she. She's not a girl, she's a woman. Love her. She's fantastic. And I don't think she actually ever really meant anything bad about this. I just took it wrong. Sure. Your perception of what she said. Exactly. Sure. So whenever I like we were talking about it, she was like, well, I think we'll see you back here again.

And I was like, I mean kindly, I don't think you will, but if anything does happen, yeah. I absolutely don't wanna burn a bridge. And she was like, well, I think you'll. Pretty much just like how I took it, is that she doesn't believe in me and she doesn't want me to succeed. Yes. And now I kind of wanna be like, listen.

I'm gonna put my pride aside and say, I don't think that you actually meant it that way. I think she meant it in a kind way, like, we want you to come back. Probably. So. Probably. Mm-hmm. But at the time, growing pains, yes. I didn't, I wanted to be like, she hates me. She thinks that I'm gonna, uh, not gonna succeed.

Yes. She's just spiraling, not doing okay. You know? So I always just was like, man, she hates me. But now, like three years later, I'm successfully independent. I've learned so incredibly much along the way. Mm-hmm. And now I can see she probably didn't think that at all. Yeah. Whatsoever. And she probably, she was probably just been like, remember it?

Oh shoot, you're gonna be back because you're gonna miss us. You know? Exactly. I honestly, that's probably what she meant. She probably didn't, and isn't that like, Think about that even, yeah. Like our perception of how things are said to us. Yes. Because sometimes I feel like we're all, not just hairstylists, everyone in general is so quick to, um, take root and negativity.

Amen. And take it as an offensive thing that was said. Mm. When if I could always on fight or flight, like mm-hmm. Who's gonna come at me today? Who's gonna think that I'm terrible? Like, why don't we, Hey, maybe this person wants to see me succeed. They're just not saying it. Or they don't know how to articulate it.

Exactly. Or if someone hasn't been in our shoes where they want to go independent instead of staying a commission salon, they don't know. That just seems like a foreign land that they don't even want any part of. Heck, for a long time, I was like, who would go independent? That's the dumbest thing. What? No.

Don't be wrong if you run your business. It's hard. Yes. If you run it like a business. Yes. It is phenomenal. It is phenomenal. But, but my first year I was like, maybe I do wanna go back. You're like, so do you still have my keys? Uh, yeah. Literally though. So have you ever personally been jealous or wanted to have like a competitive mindset girl as a stylist?

Girl, girl. The time you're a competitive person. Oh, yeah. See, I would have never guessed that about, I hated about me, but I am one of the most competitive people. Really? Yes. Wait, I'm shocked by that. I know, like, don't get me wrong, I always want everyone to succeed, but I'm like, how can I be better? Yeah.

Like, not necessarily better than you. Yeah. Because I want you to succeed just as, as much as I want myself to succeed. Yeah. But I'm like, okay, she's doing or he is doing this. How can I figure that out to be better for myself? Yes. Like not necessarily a competitive, like I wanna be better than you. You're terrible.

I wanna be better. Yeah. It's more of like, I just want to be better for myself. Yes. If that makes any sense. So not necessarily jealous per se. No. But you are definitely competitive now. If you were to have asked me two years ago Absolutely. Yeah, 100%. I've been like, yeah, I wanna be the best in the town.

Like, I don't want anyone else to be better than me, which is now I just So how did that change for you? What, what? Honestly, I think after Covid. Yeah. It was a humbling experience for, it was a very humbling experience. Like, cause whenever Covid happened, I had just gotten out of the associate program.

Mm-hmm. And I was like, you know what? I'm gonna say her name because I love her. Sean Phillips. Mm-hmm. She, I was her associate. I was her very first one. I love her. Mm-hmm. She's fantastic. Mm-hmm. Um, but I was like, I'm gonna be better than Sean. Like, that was my biggest thing. I was like, I wanna be just as good as her, because I looked up to her so much.

Yeah. And now like she'll comment on my things and I'm like, Manna. This is great. I love that. Yeah, so it's pretty much just like during Covid, that's kind of whenever I decided I wanted to go independent Uhhuh. Why? I thought that, I don't know, but it was like at the very end of it, not really end of it, like the end of 2020.

So I just was thinking, you know, I'm gonna try it and if it doesn't work, that's fine. That's okay. But I really just wanted to try it and so. Going from just getting out of an associate's program and then a year later, like, you know, barely having, I mean, I had a good clientele. Mm-hmm. But a lot of them were very much like steady at the salon I was at.

They were loyal to the salon, not to you. Yes, exactly. Yes. And so it was just kind of scary, but I absolutely, I wanna do it. I wanna try it. So, and you know, what's the worst thing that can happen? You know? Exactly. You fail and, and you try again. We fail every single day. And that's fine. That's the best thing that I, I have learned recently is through, like you said, through failures.

Absolutely. Is where you find growth. Absolutely. Yes. And I feel like with like the competition over community mindset, like it's if you have been hateful to someone or a fellow stylist mm-hmm. Or trash them or whatever, for sure. And apology goes a long way. Absolutely. And you know, I feel like if a person was to just say, Hey, you know, I did say that and I'm sorry, like, This is why I said this, like, this is how I'm feeling.

For sure. It may not be receptive or receptive Absolutely. From that person you're, you're apologizing to, but I really feel like, you know, if, if you take the step and just. I don't know. It, it just makes a big difference if you have it. It takes the pride factor out of it. Absolutely. And when people get pride out of the way and that egotistical thing, it just, it just makes everything so much easier.

Absolutely. Um, so when supporting other stylists, like how do you cheer them on? What do you do to, to make, like to, to make your community better? Yeah. Honestly, um, whenever, whenever I was a teacher at City, Um, I always told my girls, I was like, you live in the greatest time to be a hair stylist. Mm-hmm.

Because we have social media. Yes. It's free marketing. It's free. Just exposure mm-hmm. For you, but it's also the best way to support everyone else. Absolutely. So you can be like, absolutely. Hey, I'm gonna comment on this person's photo because they're doing so well. Mm-hmm. Like my biggest, my most fun thing that I've gotten out of being a teacher before, um, like I'm not a teacher now, but I love following along with my old student stuff.

I love commenting on their things. Um, some of the students that whenever they were coming in, whenever I left, I still follow them on Instagram. Mm-hmm. And I comment on their stuff saying, I'm so proud of you, you're doing so good. Because yes, it makes me feel good, but I know that having another stylist who has their career built up and having someone say that, yes.

That feels amazing. Oh yeah. Amazing. Like anytime another stylist comments, My stuff. You know? It's always like, it's so great. It is. And you feel like you're on top of the world. Absolutely. Yeah. And like why can't there be more of that? Yes. Instead of making fun of, or absolutely poking or being jealous, like mm-hmm.

If you see someone that you're jealous of, I feel like. A key thing to do is to really find the root cause of that. Why are you jealous of them? Absolutely. Why do you want those things? Okay, so you want, you wanna, you know, have an aesthetically pleasing salon. What are some actionable steps you can take to make that happen for yourself?

Absolutely. Instead of trying to tear 'em down, you know? Yes. And if you're not in the place where you wanna be, then change it. Exactly. It is a lot easier said than done. Figure out the steps to change it. Absolutely. Like I wanted to work at Indie from the time that they actually opened and I messaged them saying, Hey, I would love to work here.

And Alicia said, Hey, I'm really sorry. We would love to have you, but we're already full. Yeah. I waited almost three years. Wow. Three years. And whenever I found out they had a spot open, I was like, oh my gosh, is this my time? Is this it? Yes. You're messaged. And I said, I heard that you have a spot open. Is there any way that I could start working there?

She's like, actually, yeah, so she had me come in, she act. I loved what she did. She actually had me come in chat with the girls. She had me like interview, like even though we're independent stylist. Mm-hmm. She wanted to, because we're a women owned salon. Mm-hmm. Women support women. She really just wanted us to come round and see how everything is.

She actually had me come there and do like a little blowout on one of my clients. Mm-hmm. And it was, That is such, such a great idea. I love that. Just to see if you like fit the vibe and if they fit your vibe too. Yes. Which I loved. Yeah. So, yeah. Well every time I go in there, it's always so, like on Elise, I love its podcast.

I'm like, yes, I loved hers. She's just so comfortable and relaxing and she Yes it is. Um, so how do you lead others into a community mindset over competition? I mean, I don't even. No. If I necessarily do, I just try to maybe just like with your, myself, students. Yeah. Yeah. Like I, one of my, actually two of my former students, they are actually friends of mine now.

Mm-hmm. Um, and like I look up to them honestly, because they've only been out for maybe four months, technically just on their own and. They're fantastic. They have thriving businesses. They're doing amazing. Um, so shout out to them that they're doing wonder. But like, I always wanted to teach all of my students, no matter what path you're on, always encourage and never ever bring anyone down just because you don't like them.

Yeah, I love that. You know, I had a, I had. Made a Instagram story and this was probably a year and a half ago. Mm-hmm. Actually. Mm-hmm. Um, and I do invisible beat extensions. I love it. And I was talking about how, you know, your method matters like Absolutely. And, um, there was another local stylist that immediately then made a whole story about how the method doesn't matter as long as you.

A master at what you do, but it does, and let's go against that silence. But it does, it was like a whole thing. And may I, you know, there's some instances where I feel like some people are not receptive to community and I had even followed that stylist. Yeah. And liked their stuff and tried to like cultivate a healthy relationship there.

But I could always feel tension. Mm-hmm. I know it was on her end, not on my end, obviously. Yeah. Um, and at that point I decided it would probably be best just to block her sometimes to create a healthy boundary. The best thing to do, you know, I just had to create a healthy boundary. Absolutely. Because I knew at that point, Nothing that I could say or do was gonna make her happy.

Was gonna make her happy. Yeah. And, um, ironic, the block button is a blessing. It was. And then, um, you know, I had some of her former clients come into me mm-hmm. With bleeding scallops Yes. Or tension spots and stuff. Yes. And, you know, I feel like. It, it's such a hard thing to handle, but I feel like if people wouldn't be so offendable, it would be so much easier to say, Hey, you know, this is, you know, your client so-and-so came into me.

Absolutely. Like I, I would hope that someone would message me Yes, me too. And say, Hey, you know, when your client came to me. Yeah. And not in a defensive way. No, not in an accusatory way for sure. Just, just saying. This, this is what happened. They weren't happy or whatever. Mm-hmm. I would hope someone would message me and say, absolutely.

That, you know, I did not message her. Yeah. Because it was obvious that there was already a, a hostile thing. That little bit of tension and I was totally unaware until that occurred. Like, yeah. I'm totally naive. Most me too of the time, honestly, I'm like the most naive person on this planet. Me too. I hate it, but I am, and like I just, I just want everybody to get along and be happy.

Same. Get along in harmony. I probably, I probably say that at least six times a day. Six times a day. Why can't everyone just like each other just be happy and like be kind to one another? It makes your life so much easier. Absolutely. Like I don't have the energy no to, so I was so, you know, I think that, At some point, if you have tried to create community over competition and there's still someone being very negative towards you, you just gotta hit that block button.

It is just fine to set a healthy boundary. Yes. And hit that block button. Mm-hmm. Um, so how do you handle it when stylists talk negatively about other stylists to you? Has that ever happened? Yes. I'm gonna be honest, I'm a human. Sometimes it's really hard not to come in with them. Yeah. And say, oh man, this person's just really annoying me.

You know, blah, blah, blah. Mm-hmm. I have to just catch myself first. Mm-hmm. And be like, okay, if someone was talking about me, would I like this? Yeah. And if not, then I won. I just don't say anything. I try not to say anything. Yeah. But. It's hard sometimes, especially if you have the same feelings. Yeah. But I also just have to be like, listen, if I were in that stylish shoes and I was being talked about, how would I feel about that?

Yeah. And I don't necessarily say that out loud to the other people, but sometimes Sty is the biggest, the biggest player. Absolutely. If you just don't say anything and you don't interact, silence speaks volumes. Absolutely. So sometimes you just have to be quiet and get in your own head and be like, okay, just don't do it.

Don't say anything, and that's it. So would you say that's how you let other stylists know you're a safe place of support and encouragement? Like just by, so yeah, just by saying, because I don't want anyone to ever feel like clients, people, my husband, family, anyone. I don't want them ever to think. Oh, she just talks bad about every single person.

I want people to know that I'm a safe place. Yes. And whether that is, you know, taken from somebody, I don't know. Mm-hmm. But I always want somebody to know that if they say something to me, like I'm not gonna repeat it. Yeah. Or I'm not going to, if I hear somebody talking about somebody else, I don't necessarily want to talk about it all the time.

Now, if somebody's really grinding my gears. It's, I'm a human. Yeah. I'm not perfect. Absolutely. But like 70% of the time I'm gonna try to not, not engage. Yeah. Do not, do not engage. Hey, maybe they're just having a bad day or, or not saying Sure. Anything at all. Um, so do you think that your salon environment plays into your community mindset?

Absolutely. I agree with this a hundred percent. Absolutely. So I have been at, it sounds crazy, but at four different salons. One of them was a very. Very short period, like maybe four months. Mm-hmm. Because it just didn't fit my vibe. So that's actually whenever I switched it over to Indie. Mm-hmm. Um, but I absolutely think that it plays a part because at one salon I was just by myself.

I was just in a salon suite and I liked it, but it kind of got lonely. Yeah. And so you don't have that outlet to be like, Hey, you're doing good. Or, Hey, you're do, like, this might need work on something. Or like, I want somebody to say, Hey, I saw you doing this, like, could you not? You know? Yeah. Um, but I know for Indie, we.

Thrive on making everyone feel comfortable. Yeah. And have it be a safe place. Like I know, like if I'm having a bad day and I go to work, I'm gonna be honest. I forget about it. Yeah. Like I just feel so, because you're in that positive environment. Yes. And like I know if I bring anything that I have to the girls, they'll be like, Hey, it's gonna be okay.

Like, yeah, it really freaking sucks, but it's gonna be okay. And like, we're here for you. That is so amazing. Yes. To have such an a strong community. Yeah. In your immediate environment. Yeah. Especially like my husband, he's in the military, so he's gone a lot. And so they are always the most welcoming and.

Amazing people to be around because they're like, how are you doing? Are you doing okay today? Like, because they'll know, like my energy sometimes is a little off because mm-hmm. You know, you miss your husband down. You're a little sad. Yes. Yeah. Like, it's hard. Mm-hmm. Like last week or, well, no, not last week.

This week my husband gets home after like a three weeks in because he's gonna be a sergeant. I'm so proud of him. Woohoo. Congrat. Congratulations. Hubby. Yes. Um, so he is gonna be coming home on Wednesday, and so they're always like, how many more days do you got? It's always just really nice cuz they just make you feel like you're family and that is so I just think that neat.

Your salon environment definitely change. Your energy. Oh, and your vibrations. Yes, for sure. Well, and even like the type of clients you bring in, I feel I'm, I'm a part of thriver society, like Brit Sivas stuff. Uhhuh, and I'm going through the wealthiest year yet course right now. Nice. And a lot of their, like in, in our group, a lot of the North stars, they're all talking about their negative salon environment and how they feel completely.

Inhibited in growth, they're not attracting the right clients. Mm-hmm. Because it's not the right vibe. It's not the right aesthetics. Yes. You know, for I've been there who they're wanting to attract. Yeah. And I have too. It's hard. It is. And I just think that that is, if you can get into a salon that. Really supports that community and that absolutely energy that you're wanting.

Like this, there is no ceiling. Yeah. The sky's the limit. It can change your life. Yes. Like I can honestly tell you that from the time that I worked at Indie to now, I have made just monetarily. Way more money than I've ever made in my entire life. Yeah. And I honestly can because you can bring in the people because they like the vibe.

Yes. They love your energy. Yes. So, cuz I mean, people will follow you no matter where you are. Right. But I've had so many clients say, man, this is the best place just because. I feel so welcomed. Yeah. And it's beautiful. Like, it makes you feel, you know, when you go and get your hair done, you're, you're, it's your, you time, it is, you're getting pampered.

You know, so if you go into an environment that's dirty or loud mm-hmm. Or catty or whatever, you know it, you don't want it. No. It's, it's just such a neat thing whenever you see people Yeah. You see your funnel working for you. See your, for sure you. Just your environment can totally affect who you bring in.

Absolutely. Um, so how would you explain to others how to adopt a community mindset over a competition mindset? Honestly, just look into yourself. Mm-hmm. Because I used to be so negative, so angry all of the time. Mm-hmm. And I realized like I just wasn't where I wanted to be and I didn't realize it at the time.

Mm-hmm. But once I got out of where I didn't want to be, it changed my life. Yes. And you go through things, you go through growing pains, emphasis on the pains. Mm-hmm. But, um, Once you get to a place where you are happy, you are wealthy. And I'm not just talking about money. Yeah. I'm talking about just overall wealth.

Like you're happy, you're joyful. Um, you can go take that trip with your husband or your wife or whatever you just. If you feel like you're wealthy in all areas of your life, then you can bring that to other people. Yes. And again, I'm not talking about money. Mm-hmm. I'm not. If you have a mindset where you can be positive and you can think, you know, I have a really, really good life.

Yes. Like if I could go back to myself in 2020 and be like, Hey, it's gonna be okay right now. Really freaking sucks. Mm-hmm. But it's going to be the best life that you've ever had. Yes. I. Yes. Or maybe not because she needed to go through those growing pants. That's a good, that's a good outlook on that.

Yeah. Yeah. I totally agree. You know, and I feel like if, like you said, look inward and if you're feeling jealous, why are you feeling jealous? Absolutely. What are you lacking in your life? Yeah. That makes you want what that person has for. Like, I know there's this one stylist, um, here in town. She's phenomenal.

Um, we actually went to cosmetology school together. Mm-hmm. Um, I had the most co, she probably didn't even know this, but I was always like, I wanna be better than her. Like, I just, I don't know what it is. I want to be better than her. Well now we message each other on Instagram saying, Hey, you're doing so good.

Mm-hmm. Hey, this looks so fun. Where is this? Like, it's just camaraderie. And I root for her every single. Like, I want her to thrive. I want her to succeed, and I want her to be happy. And I see that, and that makes me happy for her. So what, what did you change that changed your perception? Honestly, I think I'm not an annoying 21 year old anymore.

Got a few years on it. You got a few years on me, but I just think that I. No, that that's how I want people to see me, and I want them to see me thriving and see me happy and be happy for me, not be like, oh my gosh, um, why is she doing this? Why is she doing that? I want people to just be happy for me. Yeah.

So when it comes to community over competition, what would you say are some actionable steps that we could take as a community? To become that? To become a community, not competitive. I mean, probably number one, look inward for sure. If you're feeling some type of way, absolutely. Figure it out why you're feeling that way, and then adjust or, sure.

And I would say second, like are they paying your bills? Right? No. Then why are you, does it matter? What's, why? Why does it matter? Yeah. Are they living your life? So why does it matter if they're succeeding more than you? And then I think maybe another one could be sliding up on their dms, you know? For sure.

Being support. That's my favorite thing. Being supportive, showing them kindness. Um, I'm trying to think, what else do you think? I don't know. I mean, just encourage, like, just encouragement. Encouragement, because that can change everything. Absolutely. Like even if you don't feel good that day, my favorite thing to do is with like, like yesterday I was having just like an off day, so, and one of my friends, she had posted that she made this huge, and I mean huge stride in her business.

And so I just swiped up and I. I am so stink and proud of you. You guys are moving mountains, and I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am that you have the life that you are living, and you would've, she just, just saying her, saying Thank you. Just made me feel so much better. Yeah. Just encouraging people can just change your whole outlook on your day.

Absolutely. And, um, practicing gratitude. Oh my gosh, yes. Every morning I get out my journal and I write my affirmations and I write out my gratitude because that mm-hmm. My therapist told me to do that, and it has changed everything. Yeah. She was like, you know, it'll change your mindset. It'll help you go throughout your day just looking for the things that make you happy and joyful, and by focusing on gratitude, you're not gonna have.

To focus on the negative other people's lives. No. The negative in your own life. Yes. Yeah. It's just gonna make you feel so much better. Yeah, and I think that by loving other stylists, encouraging other stylists, being supportive, building each other up, all that is going to do is. Make this industry even better.

Absolutely. Because this industry, I hate to say it, but it can be really toxic. Yeah. And it can be really draining and just like, everything can just be really hard at times. Yeah. But if we try to look on the positive 80% of the time even, or just 70%. Mm-hmm. That's you giving your a hundred percent every day.

Well, I'm gonna do something a little different on this episode. Why don't, let's, let's. That. Let's do a little challenge. Oh, okay. I'm ready. Okay. So, anyone who listens to this podcast, if you feel any type of way jealous Yeah. Uh, hostility towards another stylist. You wanna cut them? No, I'm just kidding.

We're just gonna cut 'em out. Literally, figuratively. I don't know. Um, why don't you DM either Jasmine or I Yeah. And let's change that mindset. Yes. I, let's, let's see if you guys. Recognize your issue and then focus on gratitude. Oh, I love this. And the things that we just said. What was it? Uh, uh, figuring out, looking inward.

Yes. And focusing on gratitude and analyzing your salon space. Mm-hmm. And if, if your salon space is negative, why don't you beat the change? Absolutely. You don't necessarily need to. No at all. Because maybe if you accept this challenge, maybe just maybe and start focusing on these things and turn inward and turn your perception around, you know, negativity spreads like wildfire.

But I believe kindness does too. Absolutely. 100%. So why don't we see, let's just do a little experiment and see, I'm excited. See how this goes. Yeah. And I feel like you and I, um, Could definitely help some people out on this. So for sure if there's something that you know, you need a tactic or. Uh, even just an accountability partner.

You can message us and Oh, absolutely we will. I have accountability partners for everything I do too. I have a million of 'em and I love it. It's my favorite thing. Well, let's do this then. Okay. So we're gonna do this challenge. If you decide to partake in this dm, either one of us, and we will, uh, be your accountability partner.

Yeah. For. Spreading kindness, encouraging stylists. And if you're in a negative salon environment and you have no one to cheer you on, message us. And we will absolutely, we will cheer you, cheer you on hundred every single day. Absolutely. Just be like, Hey, I need some encouragement. Be like, listen, those Cheers.

Cheers. Fantastic. That's right, girl, I, I'm excited about this. Me too did not plan on this, but I'm, can I add something to the Chaplin? Absolutely. Okay. So every single day I want you guys just to, even if it's a piece of paper on your phone, whatever, just write three things throughout the day that make you.

Yes, gratitude. Yes. And it doesn't necessarily have to be like, oh, I'm grateful for my mom, my dad. Like, no. Think of just like even, you know what? The sun shining right now is beautiful. That makes me happy. So it could be something you write down. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. Do it. It's so fun. I like, because you just think about it.

So are we doing this at like. Nine, noon, and five whatever, just whenever. Just three, three times a day. Like three things or just one thing, three times a day anyway, either. However, anyway. However, just three things that make you happy. I love that. Yeah, because then all throughout the day, you're just automatically just gonna look at something that's gonna make happen.

Try to find something that makes you happy. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. Yay. This is gonna be fun. Okay, so Jasmine, tell us where we can find you on social media. Yes. Um, so my. Social media handle. I don't wanna say this wrong, I look at it 20 times a day, but I don't wanna say it wrong. Um, so my Instagram handle is jasmine za.

It's l i z o t t e dot hairstylist. Okay. And I will put those in the notes on this podcast. Perfect. Yay. Um, and so you ju you're just on Instagram, right? Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah, I have a Facebook, but I really don't use it that much. Okay, perfect. Awesome. Well, I. Seriously. So excited for this. Yes, me too. And this little challenge.

It'll be so fun. I, and seriously guys, message us like you're not gonna, seriously, you're not gonna bother me. No. Say I talk to a million people a day. Yeah. I don't mind. I'm excited. Me too. Well, thank you so much for coming in today. Yes. Has, thank you For, been for Just wonderful. And, um, yes. Didn't, didn't you say that you, you're on your affirmation board?

You wanted to podcast? Yeah. On my vision podcast board this week, or not this week, this year it was to be on a podcast. Yeah. So, Check that off. Yes. Awesome. Well, thanks a lot guys. We'll talk to you next week, and thank you, Jasmine. Yes, have a great day. Thank you so much. You too. Bye. Bye guys. Thank you for listening in today.

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